Wednesday, January 14, 2009

FOCA Novena

I realize this is off the choir topic but Josh asked. This is the email we received on a novena re FOCA (the Novena has already begun, but I am sure you can start it anytime):

"If you are apposed to abortion then there is bad news on the horizon. For those of you who do not know, the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) is set to be signed if congress passes it on January 21-22 of 2009. The FOCA is the next sick chapter in the book of abortion. If made a law then all limitations on abortion will be lifted which will result in the following:

1) All hospitals, including Catholic hospitals will be required to perform abortions upon request. If this happens Bishops vow to close down all Catholic hospitals, more than 30% of all hospitals in the United States.
2) Partial birth abortions would be legal and have no limitations.
3) All U.S. tax payers would be funding abortions.
4) Parental notification will no longer be required.
5) The number of abortions will increase by a minimum of 100,000 annually.
Perhaps most importantly the government will now have control in the issue of abortion. This could result in a future amendment that would force women by law to have abortions in certain situations (rape, down syndrome babies, etc) and could even regulate how many children women are allowed to have.
Needless to say this information is disturbing, but sadly true. As Catholics, as Christians, as anyone who is against the needless killing of innocent children, we must stand as one. We must stop this horrific act before it becomes a law.

The Plan :
To say a novena ( 9 days of prayer ) along with fasting starting on January 11th. For Catholics, the prayer of choice will be the rosary with intentions to stop the FOCA. For non Catholics I encourage you to pray your strongest prayers with the same intentions, also for nine consecutive days. The hope is that this will branch and blossom as to become a global effort with maximum impact. We have very little time so we all must act fast. Just do three things:
. . . .
3) Start the novena on January 11th and pray for nine consecutive days.
(please also fast for at least two days during the novena)

Remember that with God all things are possible and the power of prayer is undeniable. If you are against the senseless killing of defenseless children then the time is now to do something about it!

May God bless you all!!"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Possibility of changing choir practice to mon or tues?

Russ that post is professional. Looking at it, anyone would think you are a vet.

I'm starting classes toward my master's degree tomorrow night. 5pm-9pm every Wednesday until April, so I won't be able to practice anymore unless we can change it. Would monday or tuesday night work at all? Is this possible?


PS Russ does the novena start today or tomorrow or what? Rosary novena?


Since Fr. Matt invited I will post this since I basically do not know how this works...but I am a quick learner or think I am just as everyone else thinks they are. Who wants to admit they are slow? Can we do like everything here? I believe it is important, because LATINA is here to stay and grow strong. Rusty

ps : pray for the scuttle of the "Freedom to Kill" Act as a priest on EWTN called it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

notification of posts

This blogsite will only send 10 automatic e-mails when someone makes a post. But if you will subscribe to this blog you'll be able to get all the new posts through the "reader" function of g-mail. Otherwise you'll have to log on to the blog to see what's being discussed.
Hope this helps some.
Fr. Keller

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Discussions Here!

Discussions that take place here on this site will be much easier to follow.
Anyone who received the invitation can post or comment.
Fr. Keller